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Automatically adding "raw" tags to your code in Hubspot

This will be fairly niche. I'm mostly publishing it to impress Stephanie.

It's been a constant frustration when writing about hubl that every time you need to mention a variable ( {{ variable }} ), tag ( {% tag %} ), or any other element within a hubl delimiter, it must be manually enclosed in "raw" tags.

When my code is wrapped in raw tags you can see it like this:

{{ }}
If I forget to wrap the code in raw tags it will show like this:
SEO Anseo Articles

It get's very tedious wrapping each piece of code in these because hubl is basically all we write about.

So every time we include a piece of hubl code that is intended to be visible in the article it needs to start with {% raw %} and end with {% endraw %}

To work around this I've placed some filters on my blog template.

{% set modified_content = content.post_body|replace('<pre>', '<pre>{% raw %}')|replace('</pre>', '{% endraw %}</pre>') %}

{% if request.postDict.inpageEditorUI %}

{{ content.post_body }}  

{% else %}  

{{ modified_content }}

{% endif %}
Using this method, I can then use the <pre> tags which are built into the blog editor to add my code as usual, but now those <pre> tags automatically include raw tags like
<pre>{% raw %}{% endraw %}</pre>

Nerdy PostScript

Just in case you need to know, to be able to include {% raw %} and {% endraw %} in the text of this post I also needed to create some filters for the {{ content.post_body }}    tag.

So my complete filter looks like

{% set modified_content = content.post_body|replace('<pre>', '<pre>{% raw %}')|replace('</pre>', '{% endraw %}</pre>')|replace('&lt;raw&gt;', '&#123;&#x25; raw &#x25;&#125;')|replace('&lt;endraw&gt;', '&#123;&#x25; endraw &#x25;&#125;') %}

That way when I need to talk about a {% raw %} opening tag I can type <raw> and when I need to talk about a {% endraw %} closing tag, I can type <endraw>